Thursday 2 March 2017

Medical Curriculum

Medical Curriculum
The first academic year of the General Medicine course begins with the teaching of fundamental medical sciences such as medical biology, Biophysics, general chemistry and Organic Chemistry, History of Medicine, Human Anatomy, and so on.
In 2nd & 3rd years, pre- & paraclinical subjects are introduced (physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, community medicine, etc).Clinical education starts officially on the third academic year& onwards with the so-called "cycles". Every few weeks, students are rotated and exposed to different parts of clinical medicine such as Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Radiology, Public Health and so on. Upon graduation, the graduates are awarded a first professional degree "M.D. Physician" which is an M.B.B.S. equivalent. Students who have achieved very well academically are awarded with a red degree or a first class honor equivalent. The primary medical qualification in Russia is "MD Physician" which is equivalent to MBBS in India. Russia has a world class public health system. In all parameters, Russian Public Health is far ahead of Indian Public Health. The most prominent Medical Colleges in Russia are essentially Russian Government Medical Colleges. Now a days, private medical colleges have also come up in some cities. But they don't have recognition by local authorities, WHO or MCI. So it is advisable not to deal with these medical colleges. 

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